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1883 - 1969


"Whenever I move, that's Aikido"

O'Sensei Morihei Ueshiba



"Aikido is an endless road. The first and the strongest enemy you have is the violence within you".
O'Sensei Morihei Ueshiba


"Budo is a gracious road built by the gods, which will lead to merit and beauty: it is a spritual road, which reflects the nature and the design of the magnificient formation of the endless universe". 
O'Sensei Morihei Ueshiba

O'Sensei Morihei Ueshiba
O'Sensei Morihei Ueshiba (1935)

Morihei Ueshiba


Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969) was history's greatest martial artist. Even as an old man of eighty, he could disarm any foe, down any number of attackers, and pin an opponent with a single finger. Although invincible as a warrior, he was above all a man of peace who detested fighting, war, and any kind of violence. His way was Aikido, which can be translated as "The Art of Peace." Morihei Ueshiba is referred to by the practitioners of Aikido as O Sensei, "The Great Teacher".

O'Sensei Morihei Ueshiba

The Art of Peace is an ideal, but it developed in real life on many fronts. Morihei in his youth served as an infantryman in the Russo-Japanese War, later battled pirates and bandits during an adventure in Mongolia, and then, after mastering a number of martial arts, served as an instructor at japan's elite military acadamies. Throughout his life, however, Morihei was sorely troubled by the contention and strife that plagued his world: his father's battles with corrupt politicans and their hired goons, the devastation of war, and the brutality of his country's military leaders.

Morihei was on a spiritual quest and was transformed by three visions. The first occurred in 1925, when Morihei was forty-two years old. After defeating a high-ranking swordsman by avoiding all his cuts and thrusts (Morihei was unarmed), Morihei went into his garden. "Suddenly the earth trembled. Golden vapor welled up from the ground and engulfed me. I felt transformed into a golden image, and my body seemed as light as a feather. All at once I understood the nature of creation: the Way of a Warrior is to manifest Divine Love, a spirit that embraces and nurtures all things. Tears of gratitude and joy streamed down my cheeks. I saw the entire earth as my home, and the sun, moon, and stars as my intimate friends. All attachment to material things vanished."



The second vision took place in December of 1940. "Around two o'clock in the morning as I was performing ritual purification, I suddenly forgot every martial art technique I ever learned. All of the techniques handed down from my teachers appeared completely anew. Now they were vehicles for the cultivation of life, knowledge, virtue, and good sense, not devices to throw and pin people."

The third vision was in 1942, during the worst of the fighting of World War II and in one of the darkest periods of human history. Morihei had a vision of the Great Spirit of Peace, a path that could lead to the elimination of all strife and the reconciliation of humankind. "The Way of the Warrior has been misunderstood as a means to kill and destroy others. Those who seek competition are making a grave mistake. To smash, injure, or destroy is the worst sin a human being can commit. The real Way of a Warrior is to prevent slaughter - it is the Art of Peace, the power of love." Morihei secluded himself in the country and devoted every minute of his life thereafter to refining and spreading Aikido, the Art of Peace.





Unlike the authors of old-time warrior classics such as The Art of War and The Book of Five Rings, which accept the inevitability of war and emphasize cunning strategy as a means to victory, Morihei understood that continued fighting - with others, with ourselves, and with the environment - will ruin the earth. "The world will continue to change dramatically, but fighting and war can destroy us utterly. What we need now are techniques of harmony, not those of contention. The Art of Peace is required, not the Art of War." Morihei taught the Art of Peace as a creative mind-body discipline, as a practical means of handling aggression, and as a way of life that fosters fearlessness, wisdom, love, and friendship. He interpreted the Art of Peace in the broadest possible sense and believed that its principles of reconciliation, harmony, cooperation, and empathy could be applied bravely to all the challenges we face in life - in personal relationships, as we interact with society, at work and in business, when dealing with nature. Everyone can be a warrior for peace.


Although Aikido originated with Morihei in Japan, it was intended to be a gift for all humankind. Some have chosen, or will select in the future, Aikido as their own particular Way, practicing it on the mats and applying it to their daily lives. Many more have been and will be inspired by the universal message of the Art of Peace and its implications for our world.

The divine beauty
Of heaven and earth!
All creation,
Members of
One family.(*)



O' Sensei Morihei Ueshiba

Budo is not a means of feeling the opponent by force or by lethal weapons.  Neither is it intended to lead the world to destruction by arms and other illegitimate means.  True Budo calls for bringing the inner energy of the Universe in order, protecting the peace of the world and molding, as well as preserving, everything in nature in its right form.  Training in Budo is tantamount to strengthening, within my body and soul, the love of Kami, the deity who begets, preserves and nurtures everything in nature." 
O'Sensei Morihei Ueshiba


Ai= Rendezvous, unity, consistency, harmony             


          Ki= Energy, power, principle of life, principle of spirituality


                Aiki= To be together with the energy of life, unity


                            Do= Road



What is Aikido? This is a frequent question which is asked by those who are about to start, those who have already started Aikido or those Aikidokas, to themselves and those who are around and reform the answers according to themselves. Those who were able to find the answer achieve a long distance in this road.

"Aiki is not the technique to fight or to beat with the enemy.

It is, to have peace in the world and to unite the people".

O'Sensei Morehei Ueshiba


Many people believe that Aikido is a sport or art of war. Many of these people have read the history of the achievement of Aikido and they believe that they understood it. As indicated before it is a matter of interpretation, which brings different ideas. We believe that this is a must in a physical manner but in a philosophical manner there should be a way, which is the teachings of O’Sensei Morehei Ueshiba.


"Your mind should be in harmony with the way universe is functioning. Your body should be in harmony with the movements of the universe. Mind and body should be in tune in connection with the activity of the universe".


O'Sensei Morehei Ueshiba


Yes what we want to explain in reality is the Bushin, which is to have a “War mentality” Aikido does not mean to brake, to cut, or to destroy the person. We should be more persuasive. Doing so we should force but not destroy. When there is a resistance we should not force. This way of thinking is the first principle thought in Aikido. To force can result with more resistance from other side and suffering from injury. This is a situation, which we definitely do not want in our teachings.

Sensei Matsuoka
"There is no resistance in Aikido".


"There is no resistance in Aikido. As there is no resistance it is always the winner".


O'Sensei Morehei Ueshiba

The most important issue that separates Aikido from other Martial Arts is the mysticism that is coming from the past without any change to today. When deep investigation is done Aikido has mysticism in its roots. When examined carefully you can see that this mystic approach is valid in our beliefs. The most important issue in Aikido is self-education that is “getting over one’s self" Those who are able to do this thing is believed to reach "Do". What is important is not having someone improving himself in body but to improve mentally. This will lead that person to real happiness that is the basis.

Kotegaeshi with SENSEI NEV SAGIBA

I would like to thank very much Sensei Nev Sagiba  
for this permission

Aikido is the newest and most unknown defense sport.

At the same time Aikido can be called as the defense sport which does not carry violence. This might sound as a contradiction to those who are involved with martial arts. Because Aikido does not have those yelling’s, painful hits which is valid in Kung-Fu karate etc.

"When an opponent attacks, I move my mind".
O'Sensei Morehei Ueshiba


There is no fight in Aikido. The basic principal is to avoid the fight between two sides.


It will be easier to disable the opponent if he is fast and powerful.

The defense sport, which focuses on disabling the opponent without any harm done, is hard to think about. On the contrary the biggest harm is the mistake of the opponent who wants to attack an Aikidoka.

Aikido is not only a defense sport. It helps person to keep away from the struggle with others.


Aikido has more than 10.000 techniques and has a process, which makes one learn the whole lifetime


Aikido is a Japanese art of war developed by Morihei Ueshiba O’Sensei (Big teacher) O’sensei focused on the moral, ethical, unity and peaceful sides of this art.


It is possible to call Aikido as the "Road of Spiritual Conformity".


Steven Seagal Shihan (7.Dan Aikidoka) is the person who made Aikido popular worldwide.


"The real Aikido is affection. It is to give life to all living creatures not to kill or beat them. Affection is the protection of everything. Without it nothing can exist. Aikido is the realization of affection".


O'Sensei Morehei Ueshiba


According to O’Sensei Ueshiba the five principals of Aikido are:

  1. Aikido connects all the roads of the universe. It is the mind that covers and unites everything.
  2. Aikido is the reality which universe teaches us and  should be applied to every stage of life.
  3. Aikido is the principal, which unites the consciousness of humanity.
  4. Aikido is the perfection when individual unites with the universe.
  5. Aikido is the increasing love on the road to endless perfection, passion and power.

"Don’t look at the eyes of your opponent or your mind will escape to his eyes. Don’t look at the sword of your opponent for your eyes might get stuck with it. Don’t look at him or your spirit may spread. The real Budo is to form the affinity, which will bring the whole of your opponent to you. The only thing to do is to stand this way throughout".


O'Sensei Morehei Ueshiba




"Be content with evil persons or defeats. These are the major parts of studying the peace art".


O'Sensei Morehei Ueshiba



"Dojo” is the name of the place where Aikido is studied. Before starting Aikido a salutation called

Kamiza” is done towards a holly place.  There is a big sword called “Katana” and candles lit for the honor of those died. At the back the portrait of Morihei Ueshiba is displayed.


Tatami is the cushion where the Aikido performance is done. The only way to sit there is called “Seiza” If no other command is give one can move from one place to the other on their knees and this is called “Sikko”.

The decision time in Aikido is the moment when you touch your opponent.

Steven Seagal Sensei-Poland Seminer (2003)
The decision time in Aikido is the moment when you touch your opponent.


The sides stand next to each other and one of the sides makes the move. The technique is applied at that time.


The attacking position is called “Uke“ and defense is called “Tori“.



"When the opponent is coming from the front, go towards and salute him. If he wants to pull you back send him to his way".


O'Sensei Morehei Ueshiba

Steven Seagal Sensei-Poland Seminar (2003)

Those who start Aikido wear loose white pants and white jackets with belt, which has no buttons or pockets.


Those who have black belts and “dan“ wear "hakama", pants which are very loose and does not show their feet moves.


In the dojo, punching, kicking or to talk in a loud voice is not allowed.

Steven Seagal Sensei-Poland Seminar (2003)

"Sensei" (the teacher) is the only predominant person. No one can add anything, any technique or moves to those what he teaches.


The student is called “Kyu“ The degrees in Kyu are from 10 to 1 these are:


Jukyu, Kukyu, Hachikyu, Nanakyu, Rokyu, Gokyu, Yonkyu, Sankyu, Nikkyu, Ikkyu


After those degrees “Shidoin” (sodan) comes which we can call as the assistant of Sensei (Teacher).At the top of Shidoin is the Sensei. Those Sensei’s which receives 7th dan and over are called "Shihan" (Master Teacher).

Besides these there is another class called “Doshu“ It means the beginning of the road. This degree is given to one person who is the head of the family. Now the grand son of the O’Sensei is carrying this degree and his name is Moritei Ueshiba. Doshu is the biggest master and Aikikai is the highest point, which one can reach.

"In the real Budo there is no winning or loosing. The real Budo does not know loosing. Never Lost means there was no fight. Winning means is the winning against your mind, which is far away from unity".


O'Sensei Morehei Ueshiba

There is no tournament in Aikido.


Because tournaments has rules that effect the integrity of the art and brings in feelings like competition and winning ambition.This is against the harmony of the art.


Shortly the wide range, flexibility and methods of the Aikido Art will bring you new techniques, concepts, competence and new courses, which you can test yourself.



"Aikido is neither a fighting art not a technique to beat up an enemy. It exists to bring harmony to the world and to form a family out of human beings".


Morehei Ueshiba


"Winning means to overcome the maladjusted mind. To be successful in your dedicated mission".


O'Sensei Morehei Ueshiba

"Masagatsu Agatsu"


"The biggest victory is the one that you achieve against yourself"


O'Sensei Morehei Ueshiba




A Note From The Author
I am not an Aikidoka. I just read the articals and these are my interpretations. 

(*) Excerpted from the Introduction written by John Stevens for The Art of Peace. A collection of quotes from the teachings of Morihei Ueshiba, the Founder of Aikido.
Contributed by William McLuskie <>
Mon Jun 19 15:47:00 PDT 1995
(**) Hakan Kaplan (Beginners for Aikido)
(***) Esat Tanoren-1.Kyu Aikidoko (What is Aikido)

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